Shakira is GLAMOUR’s November coverstar – fronting our first ever Environment Issue. The global megastar talks to GLAMOUR’s Entertainment Director and Assistant Editor, Emily Maddick about her passion for protecting the planet, fighting prejudice (and wild boars) and her new pal, Prince William.

The day before I’m due to meet Shakira, the superstar singer goes viral with even the BBC and broadsheet newspapers reporting on a most extraordinary tale involving two wild boars who attempted to steal her handbag in a park in Barcelona.

“It’s just crazy!” she exclaims, both of the incident and of the world’s reaction after she shared the story on social media.

“I was taking my son, Milan, for a walk in the park and I got him a little ice cream. We sat on one of those park benches and we were just minding our own business. And then two huge wild boars came from the back and ambushed [us] and took my purse!

And I was like, “Oh, my God! Oh, my God!” and screaming, because they were taking it away, with my phone in it, my car keys, everything! Like they could understand me! And people were just watching and they weren’t doing anything!” she says, laughing now over the incident in which luckily no one was hurt. “

“They started digging inside my purse… Obviously my son’s sandwich was inside the purse, so that’s why they were so interested. So they took the sandwich and walked away and left my purse. It was wild.”