You definitely won’t My tears when witnessing the scene of the poor dog chasing the rescue convoy begging for help is very earnest and urgent

You definitely won’t My tears when witnessing the scene of the poor dog chasing the rescue convoy begging for help is very earnest and urgent

In recent days, a series of photos of a dog chasing a group of soldiers on patrol to ask for “join” has caused a fever on social networking forums. The image quickly went viral in many countries such as Korea, Japan, Thailand and even Vietnam. Netizens are curious about the story behind this lovely moment.

In recent days, a series of photos of a dog chasing a group of soldiers on patrol to ask for “join” has caused a fever on social networking forums. The image quickly went viral in many countries such as Korea, Japan, Thailand and even Vietnam. Netizens are curious about the story behind this lovely moment.

Some netizens shared the story, thinking that this is a dog wandering on the street, when seeing the passing army, they ran after it to carry out the task.

Some netizens shared the story, thinking that this is a dog wandering on the street, when seeing the passing army, they ran after it to carry out the task.

In fact, according to the Los Tiempos page, this is a series of photos that were fortunately recorded by photographer Luis Fernando Chumacero on the streets of Tupiza, Bolivia during the quarantine days against the epidemic. The vehicle carried the army on patrol to ensure that people comply with regulations.

In fact, according to the Los Tiempos page, this is a series of photos that were fortunately recorded by photographer Luis Fernando Chumacero on the streets of Tupiza, Bolivia during the quarantine days against the epidemic. The vehicle carried the army on patrol to ensure that people comply with regulations.

In fact, according to the page  Los Tiempos, this is a series of photos that were fortunately recorded by photographer Luis Fernando Chumacero on the streets of Tupiza, Bolivia during the quarantine days against the epidemic. The vehicle carried the army on patrol to ensure that people comply with regulations.

And the fawn dog is not wandering the streets but is a pet in the barracks, his name is Gorda. “Each regiment adopts dogs, they live and live with the soldiers, eat and train like a soldier. Gorda is the mascot of a division,” Colonel Luis Pachecho – Director of the Department Army logistics IV – said. When the Covid-19 epidemic broke out, seeing the soldiers patrolling against the epidemic, Gorda ran after him. Seeing his “brother” eager to follow, the soldiers in the car picked him up and went with him. The lovely moment accidentally caught the photographer’s lens.

And the fawn dog is not wandering the streets but is a pet in the barracks, his name is Gorda. “Each regiment adopts dogs, they live and live with the soldiers, eat and train like a soldier. Gorda is the mascot of a division,” Colonel Luis Pachecho – Director of the Department Army logistics IV – said. When the Covid-19 epidemic broke out, seeing the soldiers patrolling against the epidemic, Gorda ran after him. Seeing his “brother” eager to follow, the soldiers in the car picked him up and went with him. The lovely moment accidentally caught the photographer’s lens.

As soon as Gorda got into the car, another gray dog also ran over and wanted to go with him. This is a dog named Multicam – also the mascot of another division.

As soon as Gorda got into the car, another gray dog also ran over and wanted to go with him. This is a dog named Multicam – also the mascot of another division.

The image of two dogs became the subject of photo manipulation throughout the forum. Netizens who know or don’t know the real story behind have to say that both dogs are so cute, they have given them joy in the midst of the stressful epidemic season.

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