The brave dog went blind and died after fighting a cobra until his last breath to save the baby, making us extremely emotional


A hero pet dog died after fighting off a deadly snake in a desperate bid to protect its owner’s baby girl from a poisonous bite.

Security cameras installed outside the house in Kidapawan City, in the Philippines, shows two black and white dogs pouncing on the cobra.

Moxie, the two-year-old white dachshund, first spotted the reptile slithering into the front garden through the gate and immediately started barking at it.

Miley, the black dachshund, then went over and picked up the monacled cobra in its jaw


Footage shows the two fearless pooches taking it in turns to attack the snake, with one biting its tail and the other one mauling its head.

After the two-minute tussle, the cobra was eventually killed but it left Miley with severe bites.

The four-year-old dachshund did not survive her injuries and died minutes after the incident, while Moxie was left blinded from the cobra’s venom.

The incident took place last Friday as the dachshund owner’s one year-old baby girl, Skye, was sleeping in the house.

Skye’s father, Jaime Selim said he and his wife, Pauie, found out about the incident when they got back home.


Jaime said: “My wife and I were out for work. When we arrived, our helper told us what happened and reviewed the cameras.

“We were shocked but also so proud of the dogs. I can’t thank my dogs enough for protecting my baby Skye. We will miss them so much.”

They rushed to a nearby veterinary clinic to get Moxie treated. She was luckily saved but lost her sight from the injuries.

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