Baby Sign Language: These Hands Were Made for Talking

While you may not have come across it just yet, baby sign language is a trend that seems to have real staying power. Signing with babies is based on the…

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5 Secrets to a Smarter Baby: School Readiness Can Start Now

As parents, we all want happy, healthy babies. Not only that, we want them to be smart. Growing research in early brain development shows there are some basic things you…

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3 Ways You Can Bond With Your Baby

Bonding is the process of creating a loving, healthy attachment with your child. Many new parents feel a unique relationship beginning the moment they lay eyes on their baby. But…

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11 Common Conditions in Newborns

Some physical conditions are common during the first couple of weeks after birth. If you notice any of the following in your baby, contact your pediatrician.​​ Abdominal distension Most babies’…

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5 ways to get sleep with a newborn

As a brand-new parent, it’s near impossible to get the recommended minimum seven hours of sleep per night. One study found that moms and dads get terrible sleep in the…

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8 signs your baby is hungry

Crying is a late sign of hunger, and it can be quite a struggle to feed an upset baby. Watch the video to see what early signs of hunger look…

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Newborn weight gain, weight loss, and why it matters

The average baby weight at birth is just over 7 pounds. Newborns usually have weight loss of about 5 to 10 percent in the first days, but they’re back to…

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Here’s Why Your Newborn Baby Might Sneeze a Lot

Everything your newborn does, from cooing to yawning, is adorable—even those burps! But what does it mean when a newborn sneezes; are they sick? Learn about why newborns sneeze and…

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When Can My Baby Start Drinking Juice?

You may be wondering when babies can have juice. After all, introducing new foods and beverages is an exciting rite of passage. But the American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents…

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What to Know About the Rooting Reflex in Babies

Health experts explain when the rooting reflex develops, what its purpose is, and more. GOODBOY PICTURE COMPANY/GETTY IMAGES When your baby finally leaves the womb and reaches the outside world,…

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