Heart-Wrenching Cruelty! Witness the rescue of a Great Pyrenees puppy callously tossed from a moving car, now on the road to recovery.

A Great Pyrenees puppy was recently thrown from a moving vehicle in Atlanta. The dog survived, but suffered injuries — including a broken tibia — requiring surgical intervention. He is recovering with support from a local rescue specializing in his breed. That organization is working to raise awareness about how often Great Pyrenees are abandoned once they reach adulthood or are past their prime working days.

On Tuesday, a local animal shelter phoned the Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta (GPRA) after processing the intake of a puppy who had been hurled from a vehicle. The shelter informed GPRA that the Pyr pup sustained a broken leg. The canine was in need of medical attention to address the injury.

According to FOX 5 Atlanta, shortly after being taken into GPRA’s care, the 12-week-old dog spiked a fever and began to vomit. Wallace Bowden, as the rescue dubbed him, required emergency veterinary services. The pup received fluids, as well as both nausea and pain medication, once at the medical facility.

As a result, it became increasingly clear that surgery could no longer wait. Accordingly, the Pyr puppy traveled to Clarkston, Georgia, the following day to be treated at the Northlake Orthopedic Surgery Clinic. Once there, the puppy — who had been senselessly thrown from the moving car just days before — received the care he now required to live a full life. The staff operated on his broken tibia and Wallace came through the procedure like a champ.

WSB-TV reported that Sabine Elbert, GPRA’s intake director, provided an update on the pup’s status. Elbert implied the pooch did well but will need some time before he’s able to live his life to the fullest. She wrote, “It’s a long way to recovery, but well worth it!”

“We have to keep him as calm as possible so his leg can heal.” In the corresponding image, the pup — wearing a plastic cone — is looking up directly at the camera. It’s not a stretch to say he’s pulling on the heartstrings of everyone who contributed to the GoFundMe organized for his care.

Atlanta News First goes on to report that “Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta has saved more than 2,500 Great Pyrenees since 2010, and the rescue currently has about 40 dogs in its care.”

Weighing in between 85 and 160 pounds, a Great Pyrenees is, indeed, great in size. While this breed is known to shed quite a bit, their other attributes make extra time spent grooming worth it. Great Pyrenees are loyal, hardworking, majestic, and protective of their flock — be it human or animal. Despite being purebred pups, they do appear at shelters and rescues, as Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta can attest to.

Many farmers and ranchers use this breed to safeguard horses, guard the homestead, or work as livestock guardians. Accordingly, they can be a bit vocal to ward off predators. They also may not be fully aware of their own stature, at times resulting in them trying to befriend much larger animals like bears or attempting to squeeze into a small space on the couch next to you.

Pyrs love to stretch out and climb — even having a double dewclaw for that purpose. Surprisingly though, they need less exercise than one would expect for dogs typically seen roaming about in pastures. So, while wide open spaces are ideal, they can be just as at home in a condo. They are also fiercely devoted to their family, making them great pets.

It’s hard not to like a Great Pyrenees. Back in 2014, voters in a small Minnesota town even elected one as Mayor. Mayor Duke was so beloved that he was re-elected another three terms. The political Pyr finally retired after reaching the ripe old dog age of 90.

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