Smart Paws for a Cleaner Town: Resourceful Dog Leads the Charge in Litter Cleanup Efforts

An ingenious recycling canine has been astounding local residents with her unwavering dedication to collecting litter and disposing of it in the proper bins.

Meet Millie, a five-year-old Spanish Podenco, who partners with her 80-year-old owner, Alfie Kitson, in the mission to keep the streets of Hereford, England, pristine. Kitson, with a mere point and the words “put that in the bin,” directs Millie to pick up discarded debris, a skill she acquired while living in Spain with Kitson and his wife, Judith, 75, before moving to the U.K. 18 months ago.

Millie has become a familiar sight in the city center, diligently tidying up after those who neglect to properly dispose of their trash. Kitson, a retired plumber from Ullingswick, Herefordshire, shared with SWNS, “Millie is an incredibly intelligent dog and seems to relish her little party trick.”

“Some people wonder why I do it, but both Millie and I enjoy it, and it contributes to the city’s cleanliness – our small act of kindness,” he added. “All I h ave to say is ‘put that litter in the bin,’ and she picks it up and does just that. Passersby seem to adore it, and she consistently receives a round of applause.”

Kitson taught Millie this skill after rescuing her from a shelter in Spain, where his family had lived for two decades. They found her abandoned in a rubbish bag tethered to a tree branch when she was just eight months old.

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Upon welcoming her into their home, Kitson witnessed a soldier and his dog performing the same trick in a Malaga park, inspiring him to teach Millie. He gradually elevated a box, similar in size to a public bin, in their Spanish garden, and as Millie grasped the concept, he increased its height. Fortunately, the bins in Hereford perfectly accommodated Millie’s talents when they relocated to the United Kingdom.

“In today’s world, environmental concerns are a pressing issue, so if we can assist in cleaning up litter and plastic from the streets, we are doing our part,” Kitson remarked. “We rescued her because our home felt incomplete without an animal. For animal lovers like us, dogs and cats are an integral part of life.”

“She isn’t just a member of the family; she is the family, and we are delighted to showcase her talents to others because she is truly an exceptional dog,” he proudly stated.

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Samuel Tiler, a 45-year-old office worker in Hereford, frequently witnesses Millie’s remarkable cleanup efforts in the city center.

“The first time I saw her in action, I questioned my sanity. I thought, ‘Is that truly a dog tidying up after people?’” he recalled.

Dog Learns to Find Litter and Throw it out

“I wish people could be more considerate because it shouldn’t take a dog to clean up after them,” Tiler expressed. “If a dog can contribute to environmental responsibility, surely we can do the same.”

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